Delivery & return

Send your equipment to our adress: PGC D.O.O., DRAŽGOŠE 6A, 4228 ŽELEZNIKI, EU-SLOVENIA. After service we will issue invoice for payment and send you back the package. 

Charges for return shipping 

Country Price (€)
Slovenia 5
Austria, Croatia, Hungary 10
Belgium, Czech Republic, Dannmark, Germany, Italy, Netherland, Slovakia 20
France, Great Britain, Poland 33
Estonia, Finland, Romania, Spain, Sweden,  40
Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Switzerland, Turkey 60

Pickup points in Slovenia

Delivery & return for domestic pilots or pilots visiting Slovenia is possible also at our pickup points: our office (Dražgoše 6, 4228 Železniki), Škofja Loka (Demšarjeva cesta 17, 4220 Škofja Loka) and Camp Gabrje (Soca Valley).