The HEART-G is a unique instrument which can be used by active pilots to monitor physical and mental states.


Price75,00 €

The HEART-G measures the heart pulse and 3D accelerations. Collected data is processed and sent via RF interface to the Flymaster instrument range. When connected to an HEART-G the following data fields are enabled on your Flymaster instrument:

  • Pulse - to monitor your physical condition during a flight, or any other related physical activity. Heart Rate from 40-240 bpm (beats per minute). 
  • G-Force – to monitor the accelerations acting on the pilot for example during a deep spiral dive. As it is well known these accelerations can be a cause of physical and mental stress. Sum of the vectors of accelerations exerted on the pilot from 0 to 16g.
  • Steps – counts the number of steps when the plot is walking, or running, and can be used to estimate the traveled distance. Number of steps detected by the HEART-G since the last reset, from 0 to 32767 steps.
  • Steps/Min – can be used as a measure of the physical activity and help establish a pace rhythm. This value reports the step cadence from 0 to 1500 steps/min.