The Flymaster M1 turns any Flymaster flight instrument into an onboard motor management system for powered aircraft. Flymaster's M1 gathers precissely gathers information from several sensors connected to the motor, recording this data and sending it via an RF interface to Flymaster instruments.


Price339,00 €

M1's high capacity memory is capable of storing motor data at regular intervals from 1 second up. This data can then be downloaded to a PC for later analysis. Using the gathered data the user can plan preventive maintenance and detect possible abnormalities in the motor. The data collected by the M1 is sent wirelessly, in real time to any of the existing Flymaster instruments. Several data items including average fuel consumption, total flight and remaining time, current motor temperatures, etc, can be viewed on the high resolution displays provided by Flymaster instruments. A pilot can use his Flymaster instrument for free flight or connect it to theM1 for motorized flying, giving the Flymaster instrument a dual function.

Main features

  • RPM measurement
  • Engine temperature
  • Exhaust gas temperature (not available yet)
  • Fuel level
  • Average fuel consumption and flight time remaining
  • Engine hours counter
  • Stores maximum RPM, maximum temperature, fuel consumption and total time of engine operation

Package includes

  • M1 unit,
  • RPM sensor, 
  • temperature sensor,
  • USB cable and charger,
  • fuel sensor (optional),

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